Author: Rishi

About Rishi

Rishi lives in California.

Curiosity Trip

Chatting with my 5 yr old, I realized that she had a particular resistance to the words “I don’t know.” It was an indication that I had to put something to an end for her, and “I don’t know” if it was fear or something else. I just don’t know. What I knew was, she had to become comfortable.

We started with the concept of asking “why” more. She prides herself heavily in knowing answers, and like most kids, takes a lot of joy in the praises therefore. Once we settled, she quickly asked me, “why is it ok to say I don’t know?” My job was half done, and I was sufficiently pleased with Vasvi. If anything, I told her, “you will never know everything, I don’t know the answers to most questions.” For brevity here, I did explain that “I don’t know” is the beginning of knowledge. There is no end, and when no one knows the answer, you have the intense potential to make meaningful impact. The trick is to know what is already known to get to the limits of available knowledge.

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Mars Mission Decoded To A Four Year Old

Vasvi declared that she wanted to go to Mars, and I had to decode a lot of things for her to explain the differences between San Francisco and where she wants to go. The best way to overcome challenges is to face them and start thinking about how this generation needs to prepare.

Feature Simple Speak
Gravity (3.71 m/s2) You’ll walk as if you’re light-hopping, you’ll weigh only 1/3rd; Jumping from a rock will feel slow motion (you’ll take about thrice as more time to fall)
Diameter (6794 km) Will take half the time to get around Mars, map scales will be larger
Sun’s luminosity (40%) Brightest days will look like very early mornings
Atmospheric Pressure (600 Pa) Water will boil at about 0 degrees C, right where it freezes here on Earth (see this table)
Temperature (-60C) Really cold as compared to most of earth
Two Moons As fascinating as this sounds, these are really very small rocks around Mars, as compared to our moon and have minimal effect on Mars. In reality, you can’t see a large moon on Mars (its pretty empty).
Orbital Period (687 Days) Summers will last about 6 months, and every other season will be longer than here. Calendars will have longer months and longer years there.
Life (unknown) There are no trees, no bees, no butterflies, no birds and no flowers. Its pretty empty from a living creature perspective.

To a child’s mind, the differences are not as extraordinary as it is to adults. They are still linking to what is supposedly normal.

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Flying From Twitter

Twitter Journey
Twitter Journey

This last Friday, after just over two years at Twitter, I decided to drive down the street to Uber.

The most difficult part of this decision was the fact that I only spent, what seems like an extremely short time at Twitter. The experience was amazing – the methodologies, the technologies and above all, the wonderful people I’ve had the honor to work with.

Will truly miss the relationships I’m leaving behind, especially my immediate team (Aras, DRob, DavidJ, Jeff, Joe, Mike, Toby and Zeke). And then, there’s Ian – who has become a very close friend in this very short time.

Really looking forward to the next adventure.


About 20 or so years ago, I had the privilege of having a guest at our place. Amazingly enough, we would almost always have dinner on the dinner table, unlike how I’m used to with my kids (on the couch, bed, standing and sometimes, on the table meant for this exclusive function).

This guest was from a part of India, now known for its exceedingly high PM2.5 (particulate matter). The air pollution itself is responsible for lung and neural diseases. Add to that the fact that you have sewage seepage into drinking water pipes and we’re talking serious long term damage to the brain and lungs.

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Moved to

Moved this blog to To trace things back, started with being hosted on Yahoo Small Business, moved to virpus and now to digitalocean.

The SSDs on digitalocean sold me. Another neat thing is that they have the latest releases of Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, openSUSE etc. Compared to virpus, this is huge, because even though virpus’ images are all about LTS/stable releases, they were a few releases behind . On a different note, Ubuntu LTS releases sound like pun to me: Life’s Too Short – what the hell are you doing clinging on to this release.

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Beaming Out of Yahoo

After 7+ years, I am leaving Yahoo. Going to join “the flock” at Twitter.

This is big and then, not so big for me. My role and responsibility remains somewhat unchanged as I go from Yahoo to Twitter, but I’m moving to San Francisco (the movers finished that yesterday). So, living in the city will be new. I’ve not taken very kindly to the traffic there so far, but this will change I’m sure.

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