The Secret – Rhonda Byrne – 1/5

It should be expected that “The Secret” will talk about mystical beliefs – something will happen on it’s own kind of thing. All you have to do is, believe that it will happen. The advice was a bit costly though (GBP 12).

There’s more to the secret though. There are testimonials and advices from a think tank that always believed in it any way. Things like the placebo effect are taken to the advantage of the topic. So what happens when things don’t come true even though you believed in them? The answer is, you had some “doubt” or “negativity” about it. Even though the book talks about the “negativity” being a thousand times less effective than the positivity, still the idea would stick in that the whole thing goes bust if you are out of faith. Heh.

This is a new cult coming up that is linking Quantum Physics to God and energy within you. I don’t think people should read this trash since every sensible human being already knows that “looking forward”, “being positive” and “believing in yourself” are the things to be successful. People who just lost something need a reminder, but please read it here instead of unnecessarily feeding on the garbage that is devoid of any new ideas and just keeps the parrots alive.

“Why are you even giving it a 1/5?” asks my wife. “To make myself feel good that I did not completely waste GBP 12 and the 1 day spent reading”. After all, that was one of the messages: “feel good”.

One Reply to “The Secret – Rhonda Byrne – 1/5”

  1. “The Secret” is a motivational/inspirational flick with wannabe celebrities stating “laws” without bothering to explain why they would work (let alone that many don’t), pretty much without any regard for the cause-effect relationship, and with a large dose of pseudoscience and urban myths.

    Blatant “fact”: some “quantum physicist” re-spews the myth that humans only use 10% of their brain. If you know this is patently false, you should question the entire “Secret” itself.

    Real causes of accomplishment are often ignored, and replaced with made-up “affirmations” or plain wishful thinking. Classic example: after a break-up, some lady finds “The Secret” and decides to go to adult classes, where she meets the man of her dreams. Voila, her “law of attraction” thinking got her the perfect mate, which “fate” or “something above us” wanted for her. If you aren’t gullible, you’ll realize that the lady could have done a number of other things, without any connection to “The Secret”, and would have met an equally heart-broken decent guy willing to patch his emotional hole. Any follow-up studies of the divorce rate after such star-written encounters? “Studies? What’s that? You have to believe.”

    Here’s all there is to The Secret and its “law of attraction”: When something’s on your mind, you’re just more attentive to anything related to that. For example, after you decide you want to buy a certain Toyota Prius model, you’ll notice that car much more often on the street. Has “the Universe” suddenly shifted traffic patterns to match the car you want to attract?

    That’s all there is to it – your brain gets tuned to a particular concept, and you notice manifestations of it.

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